Adjust axis label margins | adjustAxisLabelMargins |
set R color alpha value | alpha2col |
Apply CL color range | applyCLrange |
Add categorical colors to 'Excel' 'xlsx' worksheets | applyXlsxCategoricalFormat |
Xlsx Conditional formatting | applyXlsxConditionalFormat |
convert date DDmmmYYYY to Date | asDate |
convert numeric value or R object to human-readable size | asSize |
Calculate more detailed density of numeric values | breakDensity |
break a vector into groups | breaksByVector |
Safely call a function using ellipsis | call_fn_ellipsis |
ComplexHeatmap cell function to label heatmap cells | cell_fun_label |
Lightweight method to check if an R package is installed | check_pkg_installed |
check lightMode for light background color | checkLightMode |
get R color alpha value | col2alpha |
convert R color to HCL color matrix | col2hcl |
convert R color to HSL color matrix | col2hsl |
Convert R color to HSV matrix | col2hsv |
convert column number to 'Excel' column name | colNum2excelName |
Make dithered color pattern light-dark | color_dither |
Make a color gradient | color2gradient |
Process coordinate adjustment presets | coordPresets |
paste a list into a delimited vector | cPaste cPasteS cPasteSU cPasteU cPasteUnique |
convert date to age in days | dateToDaysOld |
Decide plot panel rows, columns for graphics::par(mfrow) | decideMfrow |
Convert degrees to radians | deg2rad |
Draw text labels on a base R plot | drawLabels |
exponentiate log2 values with directionality | exp2signed |
Fill blank entries in a vector | fillBlanks |
Fix yellow color | fixYellow |
Fix yellow color hue | fixYellowHue |
Format an integer as a string | formatInt |
Get axis label for minorLogTicks | getAxisLabel |
get color ramp by name, color, or function | getColorRamp |
get simple date string | getDate |
Get aspect ratio for coordinates, plot, or device | getPlotAspect |
Search for objects in the environment | grepls |
Draw grouped axis labels | groupedAxis |
Global substitution into ordered factor | gsubOrdered |
Pattern replacement with multiple patterns | gsubs |
Handle function arguments as text | handleArgsText |
convert HCL to R color | hcl2col |
Apply head() across each element in a list of vectors | heads |
Return Heatmap column order from ComplexHeatmap heatmap object | heatmap_column_order |
Return Heatmap row order from ComplexHeatmap heatmap object | heatmap_row_order |
convert HCL to R color | hsl2col |
Convert HSV matrix to R color | hsv2col |
case-insensitive grep | igrep |
vector contains any case-insensitive grep match | igrepHas |
case-insensitive logical grepl | igrepl |
Display color raster image using a matrix of colors | imageByColors |
Display a color raster image | imageDefault |
detect valid R color | isColor |
Vectorized isFALSE | isFALSEV |
Vectorized isTRUE | isTRUEV |
Jam-specific recursive apply | jam_rapply |
Calculate scatter plot point density | jamCalcDensity |
Show R function arguments jam-style | jargs |
Extend kableExtra colorization of 'Rmarkdown' tables | kable_coloring |
Convert list of vectors to data.frame with item, value, name | list2df |
Long listing of R session objects | lldf |
log2 transformation with directionality | log2signed |
vectorized make_styles for html span output | make_html_styles |
vectorized make_styles for crayon output | make_styles |
make R colors darker (or lighter) | makeColorDarker |
make unique vector names | makeNames |
Merge list of data.frames retaining all rows | mergeAllXY |
Return the middle portion of data similar to head and tail | middle |
Calculate major and minor tick marks for log-scale axis | minorLogTicks |
Display major and minor tick marks for log-scale axis | logFoldAxis minorLogTicksAxis pvalueAxis |
order alphanumeric values keeping numeric values in proper order | mixedOrder |
sort alphanumeric values keeping numeric values in proper order | mixedSort |
sort data.frame keeping numeric values in proper order | mixedSortDF |
sort alphanumeric values within a list format | mixedSorts |
order alphanumeric values from a list | mmixedOrder |
assign unique names for a vector | nameVector |
define a named vector using vector names | nameVectorN |
Return the newest file from a vector of files | newestFile |
Apply noise floor and ceiling to numeric vector | noiseFloor |
Scale a numeric vector from 0 to 1 | normScale |
Create a blank plot with optional labels | nullPlot |
prefix integers with leading zeros | padInteger |
pad a character string to a fixed length | padString |
Paste data.frame rows into character vector | pasteByRow |
Paste data.frame rows into an ordered factor | pasteByRowOrdered |
Plot distribution and histogram overlay | plotPolygonDensity |
Plot ridges density plots for numeric matrix input | plotRidges |
Smooth scatter plot with enhancements | plotSmoothScatter |
print colorized output to R console | printDebug printDebugHtml printDebugI |
provigrep: progressive case-insensitive value-grep | proigrep provigrep |
Convert radians to degrees | rad2deg |
Simple rainbow palette replacement | rainbow2 |
rbind a list of vectors into matrix or data.frame | rbindList |
Import one or more data.frame from 'Excel' 'xlsx' format | readOpenxlsx |
relist a vector which allows re-ordered names | relist_named |
Reload 'Rmarkdown' cache | reload_rmarkdown_cache |
Rename columns in a data.frame, matrix, tibble, or GRanges object | renameColumn |
Convert RGB color matrix to R color | rgb2col |
lengths for recursive lists | rlengths |
remove Infinite values | rmInfinite |
remove NA values | rmNA |
remove NA values from list elements | rmNAs |
remove NULL entries from list | rmNULL |
Calculate row group means, or other statistics | rowGroupMeans rowGroupRmOutliers |
Remove outlier points per row by MAD factor threshold | rowRmMadOutliers |
return the classes of a list of objects | sclass |
print dimensions of list object elements | sdim sdima ssdim ssdima |
Set column widths in Xlsx files | set_xlsx_colwidths |
Set row heights in Xlsx files | set_xlsx_rowheights |
Get Chroma and Luminance ranges for the given lightMode | setCLranges |
set R prompt with project name and R version | setPrompt |
Define visible text color | setTextContrastColor |
Draw text with shadow border | shadowText |
Get and set options for shadowText | shadowText_options |
Show colors from a vector or list | showColors |
convert size to numeric value | sizeAsNum |
Smooth scatter plot, Jam style | smoothScatterJam |
Determine square root axis tick mark positions | sqrtAxis |
frequency of entries, ordered by frequency | tcount |
Uppercase the first letter in each word | ucfirst |
Remove alpha transparency from colors | unalpha |
case-insensitive grep, returning unmatched indices | unigrep |
apply unique to each element of a list | uniques |
Un-nest a nested list into a simple list | unnestList |
case-insensitive grep, returning unmatched values | unvigrep |
Draw colored box indicating R plot space | usrBox |
grep, returning values | vgrep |
case-insensitive grep, returning values | vigrep |
Warp a vector of numeric values relative to zero | warpAroundZero |
Warp colors in a color ramp | warpRamp |
Export a data.frame to 'Excel' 'xlsx' format | writeOpenxlsx |